Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Just the Facts: Teacher Salaries (Response to union President's presentation)

“Teachers have bills to pay, it’s not their job to fund East China Schools.”-Eric Longuski (Teacher’s union president)

"I will not be bullied by the union president or tow the line for special interests. I will not apologize for doing my job as a board member. I just ask that we review the facts and keep the students at the forefront of our decision making process."-Allen Reichle (ECSD school board member)

SOURCES: http://www.michigan.gov/documents/mde/b1014_14_481982_7.pdf

In Mr. Longuski's presentation he states that East China teachers "had" the best pay scale. Where is the evidence of that? As you can see, they have the best pay scale. Mr. Longuski has continuously personally attacked me and I have been a target of criticism ever since I was elected to the board-it's nothing new.

He now accuses me of putting teacher's "in the cross hairs." Where is the proof of these baseless claims?

Also, he made some very strange comments about how the district needs to post political updates to the district website. I'm not sure if he was kidding, or if he was actually serious. Besides the fact that, that is totally illegal, it's immoral to even suggest that!

I've had friends, neighbors and parents tell me that he has had people personally attack me in front of their students in class. This has turned into character assassination and is not something I wish to take part in. If he wants to lead a personal attack campaign, then go for it. I will lead a campaign of facts and figures, we'll see who's left standing at the end.

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