Thursday, April 2, 2015

I hate to say I told you so... But, I told you so

Below you can see an article from 2011 where I was quoted for suggesting that we cut more in our budget. I kept saying that we needed to balance our budget and leave a cushion in the bank for the board to work with in the future. I was dismissed as an "alarmist" and was told that I was "overreacting."

I wish I was wrong. I wish that our budget situation was better. When times were good East China was living high on the hog and now we are paying for it.

Before prop A in 1994, East China had more control over funding and was one of the richest districts in the nation (that is not an exaggeration.)

I have continuously warned the board for years now that we needed deeper cuts. If we would have cut back then they would not have been as devastating. Now we have no choice as we look at a dwindling fund balance. For the first time in our district's over 50 year history we see that our fund balance will be in the red if we do nothing.

In 2013 board members locked us into a contract and did not even read the contract that was approved. I sounded the alarm. I urged fellow board members to vote no. My protests were ignored and the board passed it 5-1.

Unfortunately, I have yet to be wrong on a budget issue. Maybe next time they'll at least listen to what I have to say? Time will tell.


  1. So now what happens? We all knew East China was one of the best in the United States, yet left in unhealthy minds and hands it slipped.

  2. What happens now is East China desperately needs the school board to have the leadership that we should have 4 years ago. We can and must balance the budget. For the sake of future boards, and children going through our school system. I am optimistic that we will! It's never easy, but we can do it!
