Saturday, December 12, 2009

Eagle Scout: How this has impacted my life and will help me be an asset to the school board

There are many people and activities that I have been involved in throughout my life. Though if I had to say which was the most influential, attaining the rank of Eagle Scout would be it. It is said in statistic provided by the BSA that only around 5 percent attains the rank of Eagle Scout. Some people do not know or understand what it takes to become an Eagle Scout; I can explain it like this: being an Eagle Scout is not what is impressive; it is what it takes to become an Eagle Scout that is. I went from Cub Scouts all the way to Boy Scouts and after 12 years I attained the rank of Eagle Scout. This was exactly where my interest and knowledge of politics grew. I could not have asked for a better place to have grown and gained experience than in the Boy Scouts of America. As an Eagle Scout or any Boy Scout for that matter knows the Boy Scout Law which states: A Scout is Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and Reverent. These are the ideals in which I learned to be a good scout and overall a good person. When you think about someone who is involved in politics what do you think? When you think of a politician what do you think? I do not know one person who would say a good thing about either one of those two questions, but as I grew I learned about the constitution and what it is all about to serve your community and country. I know what it means to stand up for something that you believe in; I also know what it means to serve a cause greater than myself because I have done it before and I am now going to do it again. I had to put my ability to lead to work when I did my Eagle Project. (Eagle Project is a requirement to become an Eagle Scout. You have to do a project that will in someway serve the community.) I had a hard time coming up with a project that I thought would serve the community in a significant way. Eventually when I was in a CPR training class that was put on by the Marine City Fire Dept it hit me. I thought about how in memorial park in downtown Marine City there was a fireman's memorial and veteran's memorial to honor their service but none for law enforcement. So eventually I decided that, that was what I was going to do for my Eagle Project. I will make very clear though that this was not an easy task, I had to find ways to raise roughly $7,000 and convince the people that this was a worthwhile cause. I went to meetings, events, and functions to get the word out at the grassroots level (much like what I am doing now for the school board.) There are so many people that poured in time, money, and sweat into my project and without them I have no doubt I could not have done that. We need this kind of leadership and dedication put into the school board. I know that being on the school board is not an easy task and at times there will be tough decisions that have to be made. I am willing to make those decisions and serve the people that served me for 13 years of school. As an Eagle Scout I learned that it is important to give back to the community and I want to give back to the community with my service on the school board. So I hope that I gave you some insight into what it signifies to become an Eagle and how I will use it to serve you on our local school board.

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