Saturday, December 12, 2009

Running to Represent YOU

As I have been going around and getting some early campaigning in throughout our district, I have faced some questions about my candidacy. The main question, which is a legitimate one, is “Allen, Why are you running for the school board?” I want to make this answer as clear as possible… I am running for the East China School District School Board to represent the students, parents, staff, and taxpayers of our district. I want to represent those of you that have questions, comments, and concerns in our district. I am running for the school board to be a voice on the board for the people, instead of being a rubber stamp or being there for a self/special interest, I will be there for you, the people. If you have a problem with what I say or what I do on the school board you can call me on my cellular phone (810) 580-1895 or email me at and I will also push other board members to give the same information on the district website. My goal is to make school board meetings more interactive with the people, because it is ultimately you, the people who run this district. Some people I have talked to say that they are “too busy to vote” or “too old to vote.” I wish you could be “too busy” or “too old” to pay your taxes. With this being said, I hope that you will keep in mind that coming up not only this coming May 2010 but the first Tuesday of every May of every year there is a school board election. It is time for you to stand up and ask to be represented; it is time for us to stand together. With your help and support I plan on representing you on the East China School District School Board.

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