Monday, April 6, 2015

Board-staff communication policy must change

I have brought this issue before the board in the past and publicly it has not been addressed. Below is a screenshot of the actual policy. I am against this for obvious reasons. First and most importantly is the blatant violation of the United States Constitution (if board members just read that, they would know how to stand on this policy.) This policy was passed by the last Superintendent.

I challenge any person to try to enforce this. You will get slapped with a lawsuit, plain and simple.

I have always been and will be an advocate for staff and their right to speak to the board on issues facing the district. They have that right, just as any other citizen in our country does.

That is, unless I missed something. When I read the 1st Amendment is says: 

"Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."

Hmm, as you can see, it does not have a provision "unless you are a staff member of the East China School District." Interesting.

Now lets take a look at the State Constitution of 1963. Article 1 section 5 takes it a step further:


§ 5 Freedom of speech and of press.Sec. 5.
Every person may freely speak, write, express and publish his views on all subjects, being responsible for the abuse of such right; and no law shall be enacted to restrain or abridge the liberty of speech or of the press.
History: Const. 1963, Art. I, § 5, Eff. Jan. 1, 1964
Former Constitution: See Const. 1908, Art. II, § 4."

As you can see I am against board policy 4112 on the grounds of violating board/staff constitutional rights. I would like to not only eliminate this policy from the books, but create an open door policy. Yes, if an issue can be handled at the smallest level, that is important, but people do have the right to bring it to the board.

I will bring this to the board again and if it's further ignored, remember that next time you vote. We swear an oath to the Constitution of the United States as well as the State of Michigan and you have a right to know who is infringing on those rights.

FYI: I have been criticized by staff at board meetings and outside of them and that is their right. In fact I actually made the motion to allow the teacher's union president to speak, and I would do it again. I might not agree with what someone has to say, but we live in America; it's their right to say it!

Those are my thoughts.

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