Monday, April 6, 2015

I support cleaning up trash (literally and figuratively)

Yes, you heard right. I am in favor of cleaning up the trash on the streets (literally) and then, of course in politics (figuratively.)

If it was my choice I would not be in a political party. They both are bought and sold. They both do not care about the interests of average Americans. People wonder why my generation is apathetic and does not want to participate in our system of government.

If you watch Fox News or MSNBC you'll find out really quick. People only want to see, read and hear their political views. Our society is growing more and more polarized everyday and it is destroying the very fabric of America.

I make it a point to listen to people that I disagree with. It's the only way that I can fully understand where I stand on an issue.

There are people that refuse to hear an opposing view. I will say that I have voted for both parties. In fact, I've never once voted straight-ticket. I vote for Conservatives and people that I believe can do a job that they are elected to do.

Arguably in St Clair County our county government is more liberal than the President, and guess what? They are all Republicans!

The reason I bring this up is because recently someone has been personally attacking me for saying that I am going to try and attend a Democratic Party event for the purpose of cleaning trash on the highway.

I serve on the school board in East China (a non-partisan position.) It is no secret that I have attended both county party meetings. I have asked for input from both, because, guess what? I serve citizens in both parties in my district. I will not apologize for doing so.

Sometimes, I disagree with both... Especially on education related issues! Both parties have it wrong and one side is bought and sold by corporations and the other by unions, which clouds their judgement on the issue.

I will not vote for someone just because they have an (R) or (D) by their name. I vote because I believe that person is a good, trustworthy person who can do the job they are elected to do.

For example if I know of someone that preaches family values, yet has multiple affairs or is caught in a prostitution sting, I will not vote for or support that person, even if they are Republican. The party label goes as far as the letter, in my view. For me it is the character of a person that matters even more.

I'd rather have an honest liberal Democrat than a lying, thieving liberal Republican that claims to be conservative.

Republicans in our state and especially in the legislature have made me question my allegiance to the party in the last 5 years. I am still a Republican because I believe I can take it back; back from the good ole boys in Lansing that think they can bully Conservative leaders.

If I am considered a "liberal" for helping pick up trash on the highway with Democrats, then so be it.

I challenge both Patti Ries of the St Clair County Democratic Committee and Bob Eick  of the St Clair County Republican Party to come up with a bi-partisan event to benefit a local charity of their choosing.

I'm confident in both of these fine leaders that they can do this!

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