Friday, April 17, 2015

Superintendent: Gambling with taxpayer money

Yes you heard right. The Superintendent here in the East China School District is gambling with our tax dollars.

At a recent board meeting Dr. Skalka presented the plan that included potentially spending $3,500 on a facility use "study."

Before that meeting I spoke with two board members that said they had reservations about the whole idea. My understanding was that the board's direction was for the Superintendent and Operations Director to do the legwork in this facility use study.

I protested the $3,500 at the March 23rd board meeting and also in a post here on blogger after the meeting.

Then on Thursday, April 2nd I met with the Superintendent to discuss this issue and then he changed his tune.

The understanding of myself and the board (based on what we were informed by Dr. Skalka on March 23rd) was that the board had 3 options:

  1. Barton Malow does the study and the board rejects their plans. Cost $3,500
  2. Barton Malow does the study and the board goes with the plan (bond election passes) Cost: $0
  3. Barton Malow does the study and the board goes with the plan (bond election fails) Cost: $0
So to the overall public and board this sounded like a sweet deal, right? Well, yet again, I was correct in my skepticism!

I wanted a copy of the contract immediately and was delayed in receiving it. I can see why now.

Now the Superintendent is saying that these are the new options:

  1. Barton Malow does the study and the board rejects their plans. Cost: $3,500
  2. Barton Malow does the study and the board goes with the plan (bond election passes) Cost: $34,000
  3. Barton Malow does the study and the board goes with the plan (bond election fails) Cost: $9,000
    1. Board will have option to go again with a "smaller" cost-It's not specified in the contract.
See the contract for yourself:

This is what was said in the Times Herald newspaper article:

That was quite a change from the 23rd, eh?-If that was not misleading, I'm not sure what is.

So why would this company say it's free? Are there deals in the works to guarantee work behind the scenes? This company is going to offer up the most expensive ideas (to force a bond to voters.)

It's common sense, where are they going to make their money? From the study? No! From spending your hard earned tax dollars on construction projects around the district.

This is all a part of the overall plot to get the board to support a super high school. I called it.

Do not forget that the same person heading this up with the company is the same person that left the school district. Isn't it odd that the same guy that should have done the job before as a district employee is now hired from a private company to do it?

At the very least this deal stinks and I can honestly say I was opposed to it and attempted to stop it before the Superintendent committed district money to it.

I will be a no vote on this study and I will not be a bargaining chip in this gamble with taxpayer money. Period.

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