Monday, October 19, 2015

Politics of personal destruction

In a recent newspaper article there was an attempt to tarnish my reputation by a certain reporter. I will not name names, but for those of you who saw the article in print or online, you know what I am talking about.

Since being elected to serve on the East China School District board of education, I have tried my best to be the very most open, honest and transparent representative as possible. Prior to being elected I only had a Facebook account that I created to get the word out as I campaigned. Since being elected I have created several with other social media providers. LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Google Plus, a Facebook page (political page) as well.

I have always been hesitant of social media, even though I utilize it more than any other board members probably ever has on the school board here in East China, I do not like it, but I find it necessary to get the word out in the 21st century.

I have 3 friends who used to update my status on LinkedIn and Twitter on occasion. In that time frame (within the last year) an update was put out on LinkedIn-and only on LinkedIn that I had a Bachelor's Degree from MSU (which of course is not true.)

The reporter who wrote the story made a smear campaign to personally attack me, and not about the degree. She attempted to make it look as though I lied and then at the end of the article listed other things that she perceived as controversial. She not only asked for my school records and school grades, but she made accusations in the paper and printed things I did not even say.

I'll be the first to tell you I have made mistakes, we all do. I'm sure she remembers when she wrote back in December that I was not censured then that I was from the board for missing meetings due to my Army reserve commitment. I have the texts to prove how she was at the meeting and did not even have a basic understanding of what happened. Either she was not paying attention one bit or has zero comprehension skills.

I would share those texts and the recording I have of our conversation, but I do not believe that, that would accomplish anything more than a personal attack on her-which is not my objective. My objective is simply to clear my name from the defaming that took place.

I have never once been deceitful of my educational or work experiences. I submitted a public resume as recently as February when I applied for the SC4 position (I do not remember exactly what I put on it)... But you can FOIA that and get a copy to see for yourself.

This is obviously, I believe, a distraction from the real issue, which at this point is a 69% tax increase on the citizens of the East China School District. I understand investigative journalism is a dying breed-which is very sad, because I firmly believe that it is necessary for our republic.

Thank you and lastly, I am as open as a book and do not ever hesitate to contact me.

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