Friday, January 30, 2009

My Qualifications For School Board: Commitment

There are three main requirements for the school board. According to Michigan Election Law(Secretary of State), it states: "An individual is eligible for election as a school board member if the individual is a citizen of the United States and is a qualified and registered elector of the school district the individual seeks to represent by the filing deadline."

In other words you need to be:

  • A citizen of the United States.
  • A Resident of the district your running for.
  • And lastly you need to be a registered voter (18.)
I meet those requirements in the above bullets but I want to go beyond that. I want to go beyond the politics as usual at the local level and beyond the all talk no action crowd. I will prove that I am qualified by not only saying it with words but showing it with actions. We need someone that will not only have a voice but will also reinforce it with swift actions.

As of right now we need the commitment to get things done, involve the community, and further the education of children and students of our district. As a board member I will be committed to making the correct choices and doing what is right by listening to the needs of students in our district. As a board member I will also seek community input and have the unique tool of listening. Along with this commitment we need to set goals whether they are big or small, we need to be committed to meeting these goals we set. These goals will help us see where the right decisions can be made. Making the actual commitment towards achieving these goals is the actual fulfillment of those goals.

Commitment is more than just a promise, a goal, or a good idea. It means positioning ourselves for action to keep those commitments.

We need to come together as a community to work towards a common goal in our public education system. As your next school board member I would work hard to bring the community together around many common goals from a commitment to providing a quality education to our students, to making sure teacher's have the resources to fulfill those goals.

Just this last year Olympic medalist Michael Phelps is a great example of how through setting goals and meeting them with as much commitment can and will work. Michael Phelps now a well known Olympic champion set goals and he was committed to meeting those goals, obviously if your committed enough you can be successful.

As your next school board member I will be committed to being a voice for students, parents, and teachers. I will also be committed to reaffirming our commitment to the education of our students. I will be that person that restores the faith, restores the commitment, and sets the goals. We need to meet those commitments with affirmation and with your vote I can and will affirm them.

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